6oz Ground Turkey (not spicy) simmered in a mixture of tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers, served with your choice of jasmine rice or cauliflower rice...
6oz turkey meatballs served over zucchini noodles and our house made lemon garlic butter herb sauce.  Options: Low Carb: 6oz Zucchini or Higher Carb: 4oz...
6 large shrimp fajita, over jasmine rice or cauliflower rice with corn, black beans, red salsa, sour cream, and a lemon wedge.  Macros: With Jasmine...
Chicken thigh, jasmine rice, or cauliflower rice, a side of roasted veggies. Macros: Jasmine, Cal: 590 C: 52.1 F: 29.6 P: 24.1 Cauli, Cal: 450...