6oz grilled chicken cobb salad packed with all the goodies! Grilled chicken, crispy bacon, sliced eggs, cherry tomatoes, red onions and avocado with our house...
2-3 Drumsticks with bell peppers herbs spices and paprika over jasmine rice or cauliflower rice and a side of green beans. Macros: With Jasmine Rice, Cal:...
6oz Chicken Breast over penne pasta or zucchini noodles, veggies, and our house-made creamy chipotle sauce. Macros: With Penne pasta, Cal: 587 C: 43.7 F:...
6oz Marinated chicken breast over orzo pasta or cauliflower rice, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, red onions, feta cheese, and tzatziki sauce on the side. Macros:...
A classic steak with our house-made steak Diane sauce on the side (cream, cognac, shallots, beef stock, dijon mustard, and Worcestershire sauce), roasted potatoes, and...
6oz Chicken breast over Mexican Rice or Cauliflower Rice, bell peppers, beans, roasted corn, and on the side: pico, guacamole, sour cream, and a lemon...
6oz Salmon with grilled veggies and our house-made Dijon mustard sauce on the side. Add 4oz roasted potatoes or roasted cauliflower. Macros: With Potatoes, Cal:...
6oz Chicken Breast topped with fresh mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, served over zucchini noodles or spaghetti and our house-made marinara sauce. With Spaghetti, Cal: 512...